10 Apartment Balcony Interior Design Ideas You Will Love

For most people in the world the apartment balcony is just a storage area or maybe a place where they rarely go. For others, it is a huge part of the apartment. The balcony is often overlooked and in most situations we are faced with only some small modifications that are done. If you want to take the apartment balcony to the next level, we have some ideas for you. We hope you like them. 

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This is one of our favorites. You can so easily add a bet/couch in a relatively small balcony if you use y our imagination. Also, the color theme is perfect and the few plants added, together with the candles make this apartment balcony really interesting.
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A lovely coffee table, a vintage watch and a corner couch. Why not?


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That small bar/coffee table makes everything special.
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If you ever want to feel as if in a pub.
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Let’s add a play area for the children. Alternatively, if you are a painter, replace the blackboard with something more suitable.

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