Harrington Commode – The Most Expensive English Furniture

People have always gone for a sense of uniqueness and they are searching for it every aspect of their lives: their professional life, their personal life and even their home lives. There are people who have the most incredible of homes, personal and unique with a strong touch of elegance. There are many things that make a home wonderful to live in and one of them is the furniture.

The Harrington Commode


There are many talented craftsmen in the world, with an unique touch and style that have created one of the greatest pieces of furniture in the world. One example is the Harrington Commode crafted by Thomas Chippendale and considered to be one of the most expensive pieces of English furniture in the world. The design of the commode is quite unique as it has a serpentine form, not very popular with the traditional style. It’s a commode that shows versatility and fiancé, making it a very valuable piece of furniture to own around the house.

The History


One of the greatest aspects about a piece of furniture so exquisite is the fact that it has its own story to tell to the world. This particular item is has proven to be a very important George III gilt made out of rosewood, tulipwood and marquetry. The commode has been dated to be around the year of 1770 and it has belonged to the famous Thomas Chippendale, giving it a great deal of authenticity, history and taste.

The Price


The Harrington Commode has proven to be one in the top 10 most expensive English pieces of furniture ever to be sold. The price range for the item has reached a total of £3,793,250, meaning almost $6 million dollars. This is actually not big of a surprise when it comes to pieces of furniture dating to that particular era.