House TR is a renovation project handled by Salworks. The original building was a ruined one that was cornering a smaller block, in a quiet fishing village. It tried to be economical and concise while maintaining local archetypal scale and features.

The interior space was reorganized in order to enable as much natural light as possible virtually everywhere. You can instantly notice the simplicity of everything inside, a perfect minimalistic interior design.
On the roof, there is a patio that overlooks the bordering street and the sea.

House TR’s original sizes for the windows and the doors located in the western façade were maintained. Interior space lack dictated a special program that is characterized by a simple solution. Most of the exposed area is white-painted wood. The structure was well-maintained. Just a color was utilized inside the bathroom. This was chosen so as to promote zenithal light entrance.
What is instantly interesting when you look at the house is the white exterior painting. It extends right to the roof and conveys essentiality and unity.