In the California desert we will soon have the Joshua Tree Residence, which is using shipping container architecture and taking everything to a brand new level. With a construction date expected to start in 2018, we see a number of containers that are arranged like a flower, all offering so much natural light, privacy and an architectural excellence that is hard to match.
Whitaker Studio had an initial concept for a Germany office building. It was not created but it was reconfigured for the Joshua Tree. James Whitaker, studio founder, declared:
“Earlier this year my client in LA had some friends visiting and, having a little time to spare, they all went on a road trip to visit the client’s plot of land in Joshua Tree. Whilst there, amongst the arid landscape and jutting rocks, one of the friends said, ‘you know what would look great here?’, before opening her laptop to show everyone a picture she’d seen on the internet. The picture was of an office that I’d designed several years ago but had never been built.”
From here on end things are quite obvious. We will have a shipping container skeleton that will be built on concrete pilotis. Water can pass underneath without a problem and the result will be a building of 200 square meters, a home that will include a dining area, 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and more, all including natural light because of the angled container system.
Interior and exterior surfaces are to be painted white to get even more natural light. The garage that will be installed close-by will include solar panels, so the house gets all the power it needs.
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