Painting walls white is a serious decision that you have to take only after you look at all the facts that will be mentioned below. Unfortunately, many simply choose white for their walls because of reasons that are not that great. They want white walls and that is that. Well, in some cases painting your walls white is the worst interior design decision you could make.
Before you decide to contact a painter and paint your walls white:
Natural Light Source Presence
You have to think about room orientation before you will paint rooms white. If you face away from noonday sun, you get gray-blue light. That is perfect for studios or summer bedrooms. Clear white paints can optimize light.
When you are faced with natural light that is red-yellow during clear days, you can consider white walls as spaces would be cooled. You want to think about when the room is most used and see what type of natural life you get then. Based on this, you can decide whether or not to paint your walls white.
Look Outside Your Windows
If there is foliage that blocks light, see if that hinders or helps your room. In some cases you will need to add some color to the white that you use for the walls (the process is called dirtying white). As a simple example, when you have trees without leaves and sun angle is low after winter solstice, you can use gray-green.
When you have views of the ocean or the sea, white walls are perfect as they open up your property and make the water seem to be even closer to you.
A tip is to paint trims to match the views when you paint walls white. That would eliminate delineation and the landscape will seem to remain frameless, offering a wonderful view.
Learn From The Mistakes Others Made
White stands out as a truly classic color, one that is refined and formal. When you want to create a Greek revival or a federal interior, you want to add white on walls and trims in kitchens and even in some bedrooms. The problem in many cases with the classic interior design appearance is painting everything white. In this case the result is not great.
You want to have some color sections and there are contextual requirements you absolutely have to respect. Do you have a midcentury modern design in mind? Then do not paint trims white and use saturated colors for walls.
Expanding Spaces With White Paint
Is the room small and you want to make it appear larger? White walls can definitely get this done. The presence of edges and shadows will diminish when the space is white. Smaller spaces would open when you use white. When the room is really large and you use white, you might end up with an effect that is not at all what you had in mind.
Sterile Looks Can Be Avoided With Texture Addition
Kitchens and bathrooms look cleaner when using white for trim, fixtures, countertops, cabinets and walls. White is normally associated with cleanliness. This is perfect when you really want to make a good impression. However, this does have some drawbacks. If you use one color in bathroom design, everything can end up appearing to be boring. The solution? Textured wall surface like beadboard.
Matching Room Wall Color With Closet Color?
Many see this as a rule in modern interior design but that is definitely not the case. You can use light reflective white to paint closet surfaces. This offers huge visibility. White reflective rating is something that many do not actually consider. Remember that white will highlight surrounding distinctive colors. You can combine different colors and have walls that are painted a different color than your closets.