House With One End Featuring Three Sides Of Glass

When you get an architect (Theo Reitsema) and an interior designer (Stephanie Weitering) couple you can expect great homes. The married couple were living together for one year in a 1967 house with the purpose of deciding how the home should be updated. The house featured one lower level with dark stucco covering, together with a lovely stepped path that went to the front door from the driveway.


We do not know exactly what the idea of the design was but eventually, the couple decided that one of the ends of the house should have glass surround it on all 3 sides. This makes the dining room, living room and kitchen gain wonderful garden views. The rest of the home was also updated with wood façade. Combine this with bright interior furnishings and white for the ceiling and the floor and the result is even more natural light.

Besides the area that is visible from the outside there is another living area that the couple calls The Garden Room. It is quite darker but much cozier, featuring wood paneling and a fireplace. On the whole, this entire home is simply wonderful thanks to its simplicity.

Photographs by Ronald Tilleman