Let’s face it! When looking at dog beds and modern interior design, it’s hard to find a good match. We want our dog to be with us and be comfortable but we cannot add just anything to our living room. Till now.
The Oshu dog house is definitely interesting. It is made out of weatherproof material so you can put it even outside (as you can see from the pool picture below) and will look great in a modern setting. It features a geometric pattern, can be personalized if you want to and assembly is really simple.
The only real problem with the Oshu dog house is that it is currently available only in South Korean. It is a part of a dog furniture line by Bad Marlon and if you want one, it will be tough. However, we have to admire what is offered and we would really want to see something like this in other countries too.
If you are aware of something similar, make sure that you let us know in a comment below.
Initially seen on: Freshome