7 Ideas To Add Plants To Your Kitchen

You can bring your kitchen to live and always feel like it is spring by adding some houseplants into the kitchen. You can finally make your own herb garden in your kitchen. If you decide to add herbs to your kitchen, you will always have some fresh herbs you can use in some delicious foods. The herbs won`t require much maintenance and you will always have something fresh and healthy do add to your food.

  1. Hanging garden

You should know that a wall of plants isn`t limited only for the kitchen. You can make a wall of plants in any room of your house. The main idea will be to always have fresh herbs at your disposal. Having the hanging garden next to your stove means that it won`t require you any effort to pick some of them and add them into the soup.

  1. Lime Tree

These plants love sun and if you have a sunny kitchen they can easily grow. You need to know that this tree is dwarf and this means that you won`t need to have a great amount of space in order for it to develop healthy. You should try your hand with one of these plants.

  1. Countertop Herb Garden

If you decide to choose a low flat pot for your kitchen plants, this pot will be ideal because there will be a lot of space for the plants to develop properly. Another advantage of this pot is the fact that it will easily become one of the main attractions of your kitchen.

  1. Hanging Planter

This item is known since 1970s but it is also used today. If you decide to use it, you will see that besides the green color, you will manage to add additional colors to your kitchen.

  1. Vertical herb garden

This vertical herb garden gains more popularity as we speak and a lot of people decide to install one in their house. They decide to go with a vertical herb garden because it won`t take a lot of space and all of their wanted herbs will be fresh.

  1. Window Ledge

If you decide to add some seasonal flowers on the ledge behind the kitchen sink, you will see that even if the weather is gray you will have something green to look at.

  1. DIY Plant hanger

You can easily make your own plant hanger. There are a lot of doing yourself tips on the internet on how to make a plant hanger. It isn`t a hard thing to make one and you will certainly enjoy it. Think that you will always have some fresh herbs at your disposal when you decide to cook. You don`t have to spend additional money on buying these herbs from the store and the best part is going to be that they will always be fresh. You can also save some time by watering the top plant. After you water it, all of the excess water will drip down onto the other plants below.